How Do I Deposit and Withdraw BTC and Altcoins?

How Do I Deposit and Withdraw BTC and Altcoins?

To deposit or withdraw btc you will need to go here: , this link is also found on the left side of your dashboard from the drop down "Account" menu, then click on the "Add/Remove Coins" link. On the next page choose the "+"  next to where it says bitcoin (very first box at the top). This will open a new box and should show you a BTC deposit address, should you not see a BTC address please click the grey box with the words "Generate New Address" this will give you a btc address. Once you have your address you can send btc from any outside wallet you choose. If it does not generate a address for you, please click the "-" sign and create a withdrawal address, then go back and generate your deposit address. This same process is used for all the altcoins, just click on the altcoin you would like to deposit or withdraw and follow the instructions above.

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